The SportAnalytik methodology was developed in cooperation with Dr. Tomas Peric from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Charles University in Prague.
I have pursued the area of sport talent selection for 25 years and SportAnalytik is a neat project for the general public, that leverages talent identification methodology derived using the scientific method.
As a father of small kids I understand need for healthy life style. SportAnalytik is great tool how to motivate kids to be more enthusiastic to do sports.
SportAnalytik is a great and innovating activity, we definitely would like to keep it.
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We are sport enthusiasts - sport represents a source of positive emotions and an integral part of our lives. We do not want to accept contemporary negative trends related to decreasing frequency of sport activities of children. That is why project SportAnalytik was established, aimed at motivation of children for sports and at bringing them joy of motion. We do believe that selection of the right sport is of key importance for sport development of children. It is not the aim of SportAnalytik to select professional athletes, but to bring joy to every child by discovering their sport talent!